Rome Jubilee 2000 A Ticket to Paradise
A true story, so I was invited for dinner at a friends home. Waiting for the dinner to be ready, browsing home, I noticed on a shelf in good view a brick, a very common real wall brick, with an inscription underneath; “Holy door Brick Jubilee 2000!” So my friend explains; as far back as 1975, I made an official request to the Vatican to be included in the list to obtain a brick of the holy door. The Holy door in Saint Peter’s Basilica is walled up, then to be taken down during the Jubilee year; and rebuilt each time. All of the bricks requested get assigned, if there are any left are given away free on the spot. So start making your request now for the 2050 Jubilee or chance it with the 2025 holy year!
There have been 26 ordinary holy years celebrated to date. The last one was the Great Jubilee of 2000. The Holy Year, is the period during which the Pope grants plenary indulgence to the faithful, inviting them to Rome and perform special religious practices, like going though the 6 six holy doors. The first Jubilee was announced in 1300 by Pope Bonifacio VIII who fixed a deadline for the festivity every 100 years. There are six holy doors, 4 four are in the major basilicas of Rome & two are in the town of Assisi. The papal coins minted in the jubilee years bore an effigy of the Holy Door. When the basilica is not in the Holy Year, the holy door is sealed with a stone wall.
These images were taken during the events of the Holy Year 2000 with a small Olympus OM1 using Kodak film TriX.
Ad oggi sono stati celebrati 26 anni santi ordinari. L’ultimo è stato il Grande Giubileo del 2000. L’Anno Santo Giubilare è il periodo durante il quale il Papa concede l’indulgenza plenaria ai fedeli che si recano a Roma e compiono particolari pratiche religiose. Il primo Giubileo fu indetto nel 1300 da Papa Bonifacio VIII che fissò una scadenza per la festività ogni 100 anni. Ci sono sei porte sante, le quattro basiliche maggiori di Roma e due sono nella città di Assisi Umbria. Le monete papali coniate negli anni giubilari recavano l’effigie della Porta Santa. Quando la basilica non è nell’Anno Santo, la porta santa è sigillata con un muro di pietra.
These images were taken during the events of the Holy Year 2000 with a small Olympus OM1 using Kodak film TriX. Queste immagini sono state scattate durante gli eventi dell’Anno Santo 2000 con una piccola Olympus OM1 utilizzando la pellicola Kodak TriX.
All pictures available hand printed by the artist, for more details please contact: